Reading programs in this country are in a state of transition. Some school districts were using a whole language program that was later converted to a "balanced" reading program, but it may not be well integrated with skills instruction or with state or the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Other districts have been using a program that includes skills instruction and have aligned it with state or the CCSS but may be looking for ways to make their instruction more exciting and to better meet the needs of all their students. Across the country schools are finding that too many children are being referred for special education when what they really need is a different approach to reading. An educational consultant can help with all these issues. Using a combination approach of observation, feedback, brainstorming, and sometimes modeling, she can work with your teachers to devise programs with which they are comfortable. Although the research is very clear about the components of successful reading instruction, there is still room for different personalities and different styles of teaching. If teachers are open to change within a cooperative and supportive atmosphere, a program can be created that both meets the needs of children and still maintains some flexibility.