It can be difficult to write an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for some students, particularly for the child with a reading disability who may also have language processing deficits, memory problems, attentional difficulty, a weakness in phonological awareness, poor fine motor skills, and trouble with executive functioning. In addition to providing the needed instruction to remediate the difficulties, accommodations are often needed and sometimes the curriculum needs to be modified.
An educational consultant who has experience working with this kind of student and is knowledgeable about the federal and state regulations can be invaluable to your team. She can refine and elaborate on your team's ideas, add her own suggestions, and offer opinions about what is likely to work and not work with a particular student. Drawing on her knowledge of educational research and practice, the student's needs, and the regulations, she can assist your team in writing clear and efficient goals and objectives with evaluative procedures that are not subjective and are easy to implement.